Your T-zone gets oily, and when you use cleansers for oily skin you dry out the rest of your face. The weather starts to get colder, and your skin loses moisture. So, you slather on moisturizer and half way through the day you are pulling out oil absorbing sheets and counting down the hours when you can finally wash your face and start this aggravating cycle over once more.
Rosewater controls oil secretion and fights acne |
Balancing Face Mist
1/6 c dried lavendar
1/2 tsp dried sage
1 large rose broken into petals
1 c water
coffee filter or strainer
Bring the water to a rolling boil and add the lavender and safe. Remove from the heat, and add the rose petals. Steep the mixture for at least 2 hours, strain and refrigerate in a spray bottle.
Green tea contains catechins which repair damage caused by free radicals or UV rays. |
Simple Black Tea Toner
2 black tea bags (I prefer PG tips)
1 tbsp lemon juice
3 c water
Bring water to a rolling boil. Add the 2 black tea bags and steep for at least 2 hours. Add the lemon juice and store in a recycled bottle or container.
*Note: Wipe toner across the oiliest parts of your face with a cotton pad and then apply lots of moisturizer because it tends to dry out the skin. You may want to do this at night because the lemon juice increases skin photosensitivy.
Green Tea & Cucumber Toner
3 green tea bags
1 cucumber
2 c water
Bring water to a rolling boil. Add the the 2 green tea bags and steep for at least 2 hours. Meanwhile, peel and grate the cucumber. Strain the cucumber through a coffee filter or cheesecloth and combine the cucumber water with the green tea after it has steeped.
*Tip: Cut the cheese cloth or an old towel into strips. Pack the grated cucumber onto one side of the cloth and place on your eyelids (cloth side down) to reduce under eye swelling and black circle.
I'm definetly trying the green tea and cucumber toner!!!